It is a pleasure to accompany your animal and you
in increasing the harmony in your life
What is Animal, Nature communication?
Across the world we have ancient stories and memories of people communicating with nature. Our human cultures, customs and stories have been growing in close connection with nature. Our ancient human memories on paintings, on the walls of caves of tens of thousands of years old, are full of animals (wild as well as those living close to human communities). We are deeply constructed with the images, sounds and archetypes of the natural world.
Animal communication is an art. And like art, telepathic abilities are nesting in each one of us. The desire and passion of each person as well as her (his) investment in learning and practicing (combined with the person’s precious uniqueness) will create the personal journey to animal communication.
Animal communication is done through our sixth sense called intuition (we may also call it telepathy).
The word telepathy comes from the Greek tele which means distance and pathy which means feeling perception. It is through telepathy that the communication with animals and nature takes place. The connection is through a person’s open, compassionate heart that creates a connecting path (an energy bridge) to the heart of the animal. We make the connection through the universal energy into we which we all contribute and we all share.
What is Animal, Nature communication?
Across the world we have ancient stories and memories of people communicating with nature. Our human cultures, customs and stories have been growing in close connection with nature. Our ancient human memories on paintings, on the walls of caves of tens of thousands of years old, are full of animals (wild as well as those living close to human communities). We are deeply constructed with the images, sounds and archetypes of the natural world.
Animal communication is an art. And like art, telepathic abilities are nesting in each one of us. The desire and passion of each person as well as her (his) investment in learning and practicing (combined with the person’s precious uniqueness) will create the personal journey to animal communication.
Animal communication is done through our sixth sense called intuition (we may also call it telepathy).
The word telepathy comes from the Greek tele which means distance and pathy which means feeling perception. It is through telepathy that the communication with animals and nature takes place. The connection is through a person’s open, compassionate heart that creates a connecting path (an energy bridge) to the heart of the animal. We make the connection through the universal energy into we which we all contribute and we all share.
What can Animal communication accompany you with?
Challenges in behaviors
These behaviors require investigation, developing understanding and maybe modification (includes rescued animals as well as adopted animals). Like humans, animals may behave in ways that make daily life difficult for themselves and their household. At times we may discover health issues that are behind challenging behaviors. We initiate actions to move them to fluidity.
Changes impacting the people in the household
Life changes of people may include illness of a person, changing personal situations, passing away of a person in the environment. Our animals connect deeply with us and the other people with whom they share living space. Often, they may even develop the same sicknesses with people of the same household. We accompany the animal through the grief process and the beginning of novel perspective.
Wild life and nature
From the butterflies and the tiny fauna of our gardens to the elephants and whales of the vast wilderness in the world, communicating with wild animals and nature opens new horizons. We expand our understanding of the impact of our actions. We are deepening our capacity for connection. Furthermore, we are developing a holistic way to set our priorities. Animal communication can also assist in wild animal rescues and wildlife conservation providing unique additional elements to the conservation teams.
Changes in the environment of an animal
These changes may include moving, adoption of other animals, loss of another animal, arrival of children, other newcomers in the home. Animals are strongly connected to their environment and the changes may impact them deeply. This is the time to understand what actions we may implement to facilitate these changes.
End of life of an animal
We accompany the animal and the people during the time when the animal is transferring. This is an emotionally dense period when difficult decisions need to be made and be shared between the animal and people. It is a period of intense grief for human companions and has the potential to be the beginning of intense growth.
Spirit of our animals
The animals that have transferred have a wealth of messages for their people. In many cases their human companions would like to ask, share, clarify what was not said before. In an act of incredible love and generosity our animal friends have much to tell us. After all they know us so well.
How does a consultation with your animal work?
In the email please include:
- a photo of the animal (with the eyes clearly visible) and indicate the age and name.
- the main area you would like clarified with the animal as well as your questions (maximum 5).
The connection with the animal is done through the photo (without meeting the animal). A rich variety of exchanges are happening during the connection. We may get answers to our questions, information on their health, acceptance of changes, messages to the people living with the animal, concerns and wishes.
After the connection we set a 30 minutes call with the person that has requested the communication. During this call the information is shared and we also work to define potential actions.
The length of resolution depends on the individual case. It may take from a single session to several months.